Coming to terms with the fact yourself or a loved one needs care isn’t easy, but at Notaro we do everything we can to help this transition feel as seamless as it can – helping this huge step feel
smaller wherever possible.

A key reason this can often be such a huge decision is many people don’t realise they need care – not out of stubbornness, rather the thought simply never crosses their mind. If you feel self-sufficient, the idea of having some freedom removed is naturally overwhelming – but at Notaro we do everything we can to give you a balance of support where needed and freedom at all possible
avenues. With a huge range of social activities ongoing, or the option to take some me-time if you’d prefer, our motto is ‘A happy day is a day well spent’.

Similarly, if a financial worry is what is holding you back, our Home Managers are always more than happy to talk through our fees and discuss any potential funding you may be eligible for, with no obligation to commit. With this in mind, we also offer a fund calculator on our website for this very process to give you peace of mind from the word go.

Advice from Home Managers at Notaro Care Homes

When an individual joins us, we want them to feel like they are joining a community, not leaving their old life behind. They are in a fresh environment where new friendships are made, loved ones
can remain close, and can live a new worry-free life. Through a simple assessment on each resident when they arrive at Notaro, we can meet their needs through individual care plans. From their
overall likes and dislikes to their favourite foods and hobbies, we are then able to ensure all their needs are met, day in day out – and be sure we can try put their favourite foods on the menu!

If you think care might now be the next step for yourself or a loved one but you’re not 100% ready to commit, you are always welcome to get in touch to arrange a no-obligation chat with
our Home Managers. We understand many people may want to hold onto their freedom for as long as possible, so to help this transition we are always more than happy to welcome you to get a feel of our homes and ease yourself in gently.

We look forward to hearing from you and are always on-hand to answer any questions that may arise.

Get in touch on 01934 317586 for more information.