As summer passes us by and we look back on all the fun we had, we have to say, this might’ve been the most fun Notaro Care Homes summer to date! The team worked so incredibly hard throughout it all and really do deserve a round of applause. From selflessly working in unbearable heat to keep our residents cool, to keeping every week entertaining with a huge range of activities, it’s been one to remember!

Although not technically summer, we can’t forget the excitement of the jubilee weekend! As Her Majesty the Queen celebrated her platinum jubilee, we really got in the spirit of it across our homes at Notaro. From decorating the homes with Union Jacks, bunting, banners and balloons, to planting special rose variants in our garden to honour the weekend, Notaro was full of pride over the long weekend.

We absolutely had to make the most of the sun along with it, so we got ourselves outside with plenty of baked treats (with a patriotic theme!) and afternoon tea, making it a real jubilee party, Notaro style!

We’re pleased to say day trips returned this summer for the first time since the pandemic, which created a lot of excitement in the homes!

Now, we look to the autumn ahead. As the leaves turn bronze and the weather gets that much crisper, we can at least say goodbye to those uncomfortably hot days around Notaro Care Homes! We’re incredibly excited for what’s to come from the season. As always, the team will have plenty of fun activities in store, from their arts and crafts to their games and songs!

The kitchens across Notaro Care Homes always love a change in season, as it means we get to shake our menu up that much more! Who doesn’t love a good warm soup with crusty bread on those chillier days? It’s a big hit with the residents, so we’re expecting to see more of that as September rolls around.

One aspect that’s looking like it’ll change the most is our garden too! With the changing of the season, we wonder if there’ll be any new flowers blooming at Notaro Care Homes… Watch this space and keep an eye on our social media, we’ll be sure to keep you all in the loop.

Finally, autumn brings one major holiday with it… Halloween! With plenty of spooky tricks and treats in mind, is it too early to look forward to? Maybe this year we’ll see some scary costumes visiting our homes too, only time will tell!

There’s endless possibilities as summer comes to an end, but one things for certain, we’re incredibly thankful to everyone for the past few months! Whether you’re a Notaro employee, resident, or a family member visiting, we couldn’t do it without everyone’s contributions, here’s to an even better autumn!