Staying in Touch Whilst Keeping Apart

The pandemic has been challenging for many of us, and one of the hardest parts has been the distance it has created. Not seeing your loved ones is difficult, and you can feel like you’re missing out. So we’ve come up with a few ways to keep that contact and lift your loved one’s spirits, especially if they are currently in a care home.

Going Old School

Sending letters is a great way to reach out to your loved ones! Picking out lovely stationery and taking the time to sit and write a letter about what you’ve been getting up to is a personal and thoughtful way to communicate. You could even include a few photos in the letter as well to brighten up their day!

Get Scheduling

During the lockdown, days can often feel like they have all rolled into one, so it’s nice to give yourself something to look forward to each week. Why not dedicate a particular time to facetime or call one of your family members? Having a specific time and day each week means you both have something to look forward to, making the days a little easier.

Care Packages

Creating small packages to send via post to your loved one can be a great way to show you’re thinking about them! Perfected that cookie recipe during lockdown your grandma taught you? Why not send photos of you all creating and enjoying them. Or send your favourite DVD or magazine for them to enjoy or some craft supplies to help with a project. 

These are just a few simple ways to stay in touch and let them know you’re thinking about them, but it can make all the difference. How have you been keeping in touch with your family during the lockdown? Let us know over on our socials!