1. Complaints may originate from the people living within our homes, their family / relatives, either directly or through the Care Quality Commission, or from the home’s own staff. Complaints may be received both verbally and in writing.
2. All complaints must be recorded / reported and routed to the Registered Manager and/or Quality Performance Manager. Upon receipt of the complaint the Registered Manager will complete the appropriate sections of a Complaints Record form for appropriate action.
3. Acknowledgement, in writing, of the complaint will be made within 48 hours and every effort will be made to resolve the complaint and to provide a full response to the complainant within 7 – 28 days.
4. If the Registered Manager is unable to satisfactorily resolve the complaint within 7 – 28 days then the complainant has the right to inform the Care Quality Commission for Social Care Inspection, details of which are on the following page.
5. Once the complaint has been resolved the Registered Manager will complete the relevant sections of the Complaints Record Form, which will then be signed-off by the Quality Performance manager.
6. The Registered Manager is responsible for maintaining all records relating to a complaint, using an appropriate Complaints Record Form as the basis for monitoring the progress made in resolving the complaint. Records will include all written complaints received, and copies of all statements from relevant parties.
7. Completed Complaints Record Forms will be reviewed on a regular basis for apparent adverse trends in service quality as part of the Management Quality Monitoring Processes and in line with the Annual Development Plan.
8. Please inform the Home Manager of any concerns/complaints you may have verbally and/or in writing. Please see the following form.
If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome you may contact:
The Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) who provide a free independent service:
The LGO advice team can be contacted for information and advice or to register your complaint by:
Website: www.lgo.org.uk Telephone: 0300 061 061 Email: advice@lgo.org.uk
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) can no longer get involved in individual complaints about providers but is happy to receive information about our service.