Finding out whether you’re eligible for funding can be confusing and often comes at a time when you are making many important decisions and plans.

With this very much in mind, it is vitally important you get the right advice.

We’re Here to Help

Our Home Managers can help you with this so do give the Notaro home you are considering a call, where our Home Manager will take you through all the options that may be available to you in paying for your care.

Cost Calculator

The cost of care is often troubling to many, and with so much information available it can be confusing. To help you get an idea of what your care could potentially cost living in care home, we have developed this easy to use calculator. Simply answers the questions and you will be given an estimate based on your responses.

Cost Calculator

Advice from Home Managers at Notaro Care Homes

There is no obligation in seeking advice from our Home Managers and it is free.

In the meantime, the below guidance may help you in your planning and your understanding of funding: 

You may be entitled to some help in paying for care fees, depending on your personal circumstances but some people will have to contribute, at least in part, to their own care.

We strongly recommend you seek advice from your local social services or adult service team based within your local authority. In addition to this, and to help you get started, we list a number of resources and links below which may help you gain access to further information. These links will provide advice and guidance related to the financial implications associated with moving into a care home and receiving elderly care.

Useful information can be found on the official UK Government website for citizens: 

Age UK Logo

Age UK

Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life.

Alzheimer’s Society

Alzheimer’s Society are the UK’s leading dementia support and research charity, here for anyone affected by any form of dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.