Meeting your needs. What can we do for you?

Care homes today are very different to how you might have considered a care home of a decade ago and a Notaro care home is different altogether.

A Notaro care home is a Home, it is your home. It is a place where your needs are met and expectations are often exceeded. It is a place where you will feel part of a community, it is a place where friendships are made and existing relationships are maintained and often improved. We always have time for you, to learn exactly what it is that makes you happy and healthy, and we will always ensure you are safe emotionally and physically.

Like choosing any new home, it’s important to choose one that meets your needs, for now and in the future.

At Notaro care homes, we develop relationships and friendships with you and your family, with your friends and advocates, and other professionals involved in your life. We invest time in learning about you, understanding you and we gather all the information we need to make sure we can meet your all your needs.

Before you join us, we will meet with you for an assessment of your needs, and you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home. Your chosen home’s registered manager or the deputy will visit you and you can have anyone that you choose present with you. This assessment will form the basis of your individual Care Plan or Support Plan. The information gathered, will be used and seen by all those playing a part in delivering your care in your new home. Those who will be assisting you throughout the day, our care team, our chefs, our activities coordinators – all those people who will exist to make your life in your new home as interesting and as exciting as you choose it to be.

Resident and loved one talking in the cafe at Casa di Lusso care home Bridgwater

The assessment is a great opportunity for us to get to know you as a person.

By asking questions about how you like to spend your day; what hobbies and activities you like to do; is there anything new that you would like to learn or experience; what do you particularly dislike; what are your dietary requirements; what foods do you love and those that you don’t. What time do you like to rise in the morning and what time do you like to retire; who are the important people in your life and what can we do to ensure we support you in maintaining relationships with those loved ones and friends.

All of this information helps us to build an accurate picture of how you like to live your life and will be used to ensure we are all ready to welcome you to your new home on moving day.

Remember you can call us or visit us at any time prior to moving in. Or if you simply want to learn more about what life in a Notaro care home is like please do call or visit us.